Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Second Trimester begins

Once my second trimester began, I started noticing big differences like I had more energy and didn’t feel the need to nap as often or at all.  Another difference was that I had more trouble sleeping at night, my guess would be because I did have more energy. 
Unfortunately, I had more energy all the time, night or day, when I wanted to rest like at bed time it felt like I just finished drinking a pot of extra strong coffee.  The good side to having more energy meant I could get more down and Lloyd and I could actually get out and do things, things that normal couples do like dinner and a movie!
At about 16 weeks, I noticed that my belly started to show and by 18 weeks I gave up on regular pants and picked up my first pieces to my maternity wardrobe.  Although, I was thankful for sweat pants and because my second trimester was in the spring & summer, I loved my cotton stretchy shorts.  The were “old” comfortable beach shorts or my workout shorts, they were perfect. 
June couldn’t have come any sooner, 18 weeks and it was time for my first ultrasound!  We were so excited to see our little munchie boo for the first time.  The only part of the ultrasound that I was not looking forward to, was going to my appointment with a full bladder.  Asking someone to drink 2 Litres of water about an hour prior to the appointment, asking a pregnant woman is asking her to torture herself.  I would’ve had a full bladder by drinking an ounce of water an hour prior.  Now remember I was only 18 weeks along… imagine when you reach the 32 week mark and are told to go for another ultrasound. 
Well the end of the ultrasound came and the technician went to get Lloyd to show us our baby.  Seeing what we could see was looking at a miracle in the making.  We are so blessed to have such a healthy baby, and she looked just perfect.  That day was also the day we found out that baby is a girl!
We later decided on our daughters name, Sachiko, means “Happy Child” in Japanese.  She’s named after her great-grandmother, who couldn’t be more honoured.
Also, during my 18th week I started feeling these weird gas bubbles or fluttering.  Than I thought nothing of it, but later discovered that it was my precious munchie boo starting to make her movements more clear to me.  By the time 22 weeks came around the fluttering/gas bubbles were definite kicks. What an incredible feeling.

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