Monday, January 18, 2010

Books! Reading is an empowering form of information…

Even though our bodies are meant to go thru with pregnancy and labour we have no idea what to expect.  The added information for anything and everything is available for reading.  I love books! They help a lot, or they can. 
Even though I was not worried about what was going on and was taking everything day-by-day, I was still curious.  I wanted to know what stages my baby was at, what it possibly looked like, what was developing at that stage of my pregnancy.  So I, of course, started searching for readings and websites that would help as a guide.  I even found a few things for when after the baby was born, I had some time on my hands while I waited for my bun in the oven to be ready so why not pick up some reading!
Now I’m not trying to sell these nor am I saying you have to read the following.  But for me they worked as a great tool for me for information and it even helped the hubby out so he knew what was going on.  Some men will say they’re not interested but most of them really are!
Anyways, this list was some of my favourites.  Of course, not ALL the information will be relevant to everyone but they’re full of information, ideas, and suggestions.  I looked at it like, some will be very helpful and others won’t be; take some and leave some is what me and my cousin would always say!
Books and DVD's

-What to expect when expecting
this was a good read for what was going on weekly, they also have a website that you can get weekly emails from!

-Secrets of the baby whisperer
This was more for when baby comes… and like I said before, take some and leave some.  This book is not for everyone but there are some good ideas and suggestions!

-Girlfriends guide to pregnancy
I loved this book! Unfortunately, I don’t think that it is available for sale anymore, but can be found in the rare sections of book websites.  This book did not candy coat anything, it literally is the Girlfriends guide and the author talks like there’s nothing to hide… Well seriously, after childbirth what is!?!

-Dunstan Baby Language (DVD)
This DVD was good, and helped with of the cries for us, but my daughter always went into her second stages cries immediately that we found it tough to hear what she was asking for.  At the rare times that she didn’t, the information from the DVD was excellent.

-Healthy Beginnings
This book was similar to the What to expect book, but the main difference is this book is Canadian, written by Canadian doctors.  I did get this book when I went to my prenatal classes, was a part of the fee, so don’t pay for it at the book store or doctors office if you plan to do prenatal classes and of course if you are Canadian!

-Kids that click (DVD)
Again this was something that we got with our prenatal classes and is great information on how to install and use your car seat properly and effectively. 
Ok, so for literature this was pretty much if for now… there are PLENTY of websites available for you to choose from that are equally just as good and I’m sure the same for books.  This is just what I went by and used.  Will continue to update if and when I choose to pick up some more reading! You really can’t go wrong with books, just look around and always remember the information that is given – take some and leave some! What didn’t work for me may work for you and vice versa!

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