Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Winter Woes

I am so happy that winter is coming to end, even though it doesn’t look like it nor feel like! Living in Canada has its pros and cons – winter, for me anyway, is definitely a con. I have lived here basically my whole life and still have a hard time adapting to the cold and chilly nights of winter.  I have done a little bit of traveling to the tropics and lived in Belize for a little bit as well, amazing after all these years living in a cold climate like Canada I still have an easier time adjusting to the heat and humidity of the tropics. 
Well now that I have a baby of my own, I felt sorry for her; being born in November and introduced into this world at the start of winter.  Remember, I have a low tolerance for the cold so I can’t even imagine what it would be like for her…
A few things that I have found to like or love for the colder times for my baby.
A “bunting” bag for her car seat – We don’t usually travel around too much with her but when we do, we do like many other parents and bundle up our kids.  This bunting bag was great except that I found the bottom piece was too warm and found that she felt sweaty when we pulled her out.  We have stopped using the bottom half of the bag and she’s coming out dry.  So we cover her with several blankets and the top half of the bunting bag.  She’s still nice and toasty so we’re not worry about her being cold.

I do also have a snowsuit for her which I did get her in just to take her outside in the backyard to show her around and in her push-chair (stroller).  She looks so cute in it and its ideal with the closed in feet and hands because she can’t walk let alone stand on her own, so shoes aren’t necessary.  This snowsuit keeps her nice and warm for these kind of outings.  Although, if you have a bunting bag like mentioned above or the snowsuit I don’t feel its necessary to have both, one or the other would’ve sufficed.  I have both only because one was a hand-me down and the other was a gift.  But I love them both!

Columbia Sportswear Mt. Hood Mitten, PoolLuvable Friends 4-Pack Newborn Socks in Washbag, WhiteI don’t know about other babies but, of course, I sure do know mine.  She always finds a way to stick her hands out from the blankets whether she’s in bed or in her car seat or where ever for that matter.  Mitts don’t exactly fit her tiny hands right now.  We discovered that this worked great for us since her birth; using socks on her hands as mittens.  We had some of those preventative scratch mitts which I’m sure would’ve worked great except they never did stay on her hands.  Socks are great they stay put better than the scratch mitts and other baby mitts; also her hands are always nice and toasty when I remove them.

Bedtime in the winter for a baby can be a struggle with keeping warm.  Blankets on our little one rarely stay put, she wiggles and kicks and eventually will get rid of all the blankets on her.  I received this gro-bag as a hand me down and would love to look for one in a bigger size come next year.  It works great for my daughter.  Its sleeveless but for her it doesn’t matter because she seems to hate her arms being covered with blankets and what not.  We have her in a sleeper and her arms remain comfortable for the night; still seem to have a problem keeping her hands warm at night but it doesn’t seem to bother her (I’ve tried the sock trick as mentioned above and she finds a way to take them off).  The zipper on this specific one zips downwards so no worrying about zippers snagging her chin. Best of all, she wakes up so nice and toasty warm but not sweaty warm.  This is probably one of my favourite things that we have used in the winter time. 
What are you favourite things for your little one during these cold winter months? Did you have something that wasn’t useful at all?

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