Tuesday, February 2, 2010

my little angel

Ok I’m not just saying that my baby is my little angel only because she is but she is.  She is such a good baby, would only cry or wake up when she wanted something, usually her milk (or her tea as I would always refer to as, its warm like tea isn’t it?!).  The only time she seemed cranky was when we didn’t get that one “little” gas bubble out… but on those rare occasions she was an absolute angel.
I did have to chuckle at her when she cries because she would go into these sudden cries and if we didn’t answer her need within maybe 30 seconds she immediately went into stage two of her crying.  What I mean by her stage two crying is that it would go into high pitched screaming and yelling fits.  As an adult, we are that much more patient for things like our food so I couldn’t help but laugh… all I could really do was just try to sooth her until her bottle was ready (or I was ready when I was still breastfeeding) and tell ourselves that she’ll eventually learn to be more patient.  I think its so amazing how the human body and mind work, as infants hunger is like the end of the world but as we get older we have a better understanding of hunger pains.  Also, of course, babies are limited to breast milk or formula and I don’t know anyone who can drink milk and be full for long amounts of time so I do have to sympathize with her.  So, of course, the second her bottle was ready it was instant relief. 
We ended up going out for dinner when Sachiko was only about four (4) weeks old and she was great!  She woke up once for her bottle and back to sleep until we pulled her out of her car seat to get her into bed. 
As time went on she grew and started know more of what she wanted, her likes and dislikes.  Now I know that we have to limit our times out because she gets fussy, she is definitely a home-body!
Bed time; she was a really good sleeper from the start.  Would sleep anywhere from 3 – 5 hours when she was a newborn.  After about three (3) weeks she was sleeping about eight (8) hours but I think it was mainly because we were co-sleeping.  As she got older we were seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, of course once I started working with her to sleep in her own bed, her sleeping patterns changed again.  One big thing that I noticed is her sleeping patterns will change if she’s going through another growth spurt, her growth spurts also include a higher intake of her milk. 
I love watching her grow and go through all the different stages in her life.  We are so amazing as human beings, and I feel so blessed to be able to witness my baby first hand grow and reach the different milestones in her life!

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