Monday, February 8, 2010

Some of my Favourite Things Pre-natal & Post-partum

So there’s a lot of gimmicks out there; things that will help with stretch marks, heartburn and so on.
I don’t feel like a lot of these products worked, well for me anyways. 
Stretch mark creams… really?! if you’re going to get them your going to get them there’s really no way to avoid it.  The best thing is to just eat well and maintain a good and healthy weight gain; this still won’t avoid the fact that a lot of woman get stretch marks.  But my favourite cream is still and always will be Palmer’s Cocoa Butter! Even though it says that it will help prevent them or help to get rid of them, I don’t think in reality it does.  I love Cocoa Butter, so don’t get me wrong, but for me its more soothing and just a great cream over all.  It helped to sooth the itchiness I got when I was pregnant due to the skin stretching and I just love the way it smells.  The nurses at the doctors office would always be asking where the hot chocolate was, and I had to burst their bubble and say it was probably just the cocoa butter I put on!
Speaking of cocoa butter, Palmers has this wonderful lotion for baby’s called Bottom Butter.  I love it and it seems to work really well for daily rash prevention for Sachiko’s soft baby bottom.  Another great product for baby’s bottom is Penaten Clear Preventative Cream, it’s a petroleum base product that helps to prevent diaper rash.  We love it and is great for every day use because it’s not as heavy and the medicated creams.  What are your favourites for your baby’s bottom??
Heartburn was one of my least favourite things about being pregnant, and I’m sure most, if not all, women can agree.  I asked the doctor what I can take and they recommended Tums, seriously they taste awful!  I read an article when I was nearing my third trimester and mentioned bananas can help with heartburn, also heard that milk or yogurt can help too.  So I, of course, had to try it out I mean I really had nothing to lose at that point.  The Tums worked but the relief didn’t last long on a bad day.  What a relief, they all worked and gave me great relief and even most cases gave me relief all day!  So I really benefitted from the milk products and banana; got in a serving of fruit and calcium with the wonderful relief from heartburn!
What were your favourite things pre-natal and post-partum?? What about your some of your favourite baby products??

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