Thursday, February 4, 2010

My buying Guide

Everyone is going to have a different opinion on what you need and some people will base their buying more on wants.  For me, personally, I buy more for what I need at the time. 
There’s a few ways to approach this:
  • Buy everything you need and want, make a baby registry
  • Shop around, make a baby registry
  • Buy only what you think you’ll need right away, shop around, make a baby registry and keep mind the things you will need later –the concept to this approach is buy as you need, will save you money in the long run and unnecessary things won’t pile up.
By the way, do you notice a pattern??? Make a baby registry.  Gifts are great ways to let people know of the things you need or want, and what you don’t get will usually add up in gift cards so you can purchase it later when you do need it.
The concept to buying as you need worked great for us.  We bought what was most necessary for her room and for her immediately that we could for see.  Crib, change table, diapers (don’t want to be running around doing errands when you first get home), car seat, stroller… you get the drift! Clothes, sure you need them but most infants are happiest in sleepers or diaper shirts also known as “onesies”.  The best thing we did for my daughter was to receive hand-me downs! People are always looking for ways to get rid of the baby clothes and most are brand new.  Probably about 3/4’s the hand me downs I got looked brand new, their baby probably only wore them a handful of times.  It is true what they say babies grow fast!
Now that Sachiko is three (3) months now, we are looking into the other things that she’ll be needing soon.  We did get a lot for gifts, one reason I am happy I waited the other reason is because she did not need them as a newborn.  Excersaucers are great but babies can’t really use them until they can hold their head up at least.  High chairs aren’t needed until your baby can hold themselves up with the support of the chair and until they are starting solids high chairs are useless up until that milestone.  So save your money on those items that aren’t needed immediately, it’s also helpful to find the best deals.
I love shopping, and what woman doesn’t.  I’m sure there are some out there who’ll say they hate it but reality there’s a small part of them that love it.  My thing with shopping is I don’t like the crowds, finding parking, waiting in line and shopping while pregnant is just another story.  I did a lot of my shopping online, whether it was for price comparing, seeing what’s available, finding my best options or for actually buying, it was great.  If there was something that I wanted to look at and see it before I bought it we did go out for a short shopping trip. All-in-all it definitely helped with the buying and shopping process.  Really allowed me to see what was out there without having to leave the comfort of home and than having to return with a sore back from all the walking/standing (into your third trimester shopping was not my best friend but I think it did help bring on labour when the time came!).
Do beware of some of the “fancy” gizmos that are available.  I use the term fancy because that’s all they may be, over-priced and quite possibly a junk collector.  Do look around for things that will help make your life easier for things like organizing, storage and so on.  Read customer reviews, but remember what didn’t work for someone could work for you and vice versa.  If you can shop around for the best deal, usually more than one store will carry that item and you may find the best deal online instead of in your local stores.
In my local community, Welcome Wagon had a “baby shower” for me it didn’t have that much to offer but there was companies there that I never heard of or products that are available that could make your life easier, again that I never heard of or even thought of.  Talk to your friends who have kids, be open to ideas and even ask if they have anything that they want to part with. 
I know I mentioned the baby registry and yes do make one! I had my baby shower after my daughter was born because it gave everyone an opportunity to meet her.  Put into consideration for your registry if you plan for a pre- or post-baby shower; plan and budget accordingly.
Will post a “what to buy” guide list that worked for me.  Happy Shopping!

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