Friday, February 19, 2010

Bedtime and Diapers

My latest struggle was with diapers over night.  My daughter, who is three and half months, is feeding so often and so much I wonder where she puts it.  Well to state the obvious and other than digestion and using the essential nutrients for her very so fast growing little self, it all as to come out eventually and, of course, babies aren’t potty trained to get through the nights without soiling themselves.  Ok enough of stating the obvious and to get back on track. 
My daughter takes in any where between six (6) to 8 ounces of “tea”, as we call it, otherwise known as formula in at each feeding.  Also, she sleeps through out the night for about 10 to 12 hours and sometimes I can get away with 14.  BUT, 10 to 12 hours on a single diaper is a lot urine, so every morning she’d wake up with her bed and clothes wet.  I was doing laundry every other day if not every day, which was down from once a week.  One that I did just to help slow down the laundry was I had these left over bed pads from the hospital, laid that on top of the fitted sheet in her crib with a swaddling blanket on top.  That was helping with changing the crib bedding every morning, but hated the idea of her sleeping in wet clothes.  Tried changing her diaper when I went to bed around midnight or so, but there was still at least another eight (8) hours to go.  If Sachiko doesn’t wake up in the middle of the night, than I don’t either; so again her clothes and the top blanket were wet.  I decided to try a bigger size diaper, so a stage three (3) size, in the same brand.  The bigger sized helped a little bit but she was still wet and so was the top swaddling blanket. 
I felt stuck with leaky diapers and having to set an alarm to wake up every three (3) to 4 hours.  Didn’t like the idea of setting an alarm for “morning calls” when my daughter was sleeping all through the night! I am so thankful that my wise and wonderful cousin suggested trying a different brand.  Well really, what did I have to lose, nothing really!  Out shopping I went and with a little surprise that the diapers were the same price so I wouldn’t have to worry about a cost difference if they worked.  Night one: full pat down of her back, clothes and bedding – SHE WAS DRY!!!  What a relief! I felt like I still had to keep my eye on it for a few days just in case she had a “lighter” night.  Night two: again full pat down and again SHE WAS DRY!! Night three and 4 were the same and I am happy to report that just changing the brand of the diaper made a huge difference.  I’ve completed a full week on the new brand and am VERY happy to report that she has been dry ever since. 
As for the remaining diapers, I will be using them up for the daytime only as I am around to change her often enough so she’s not wet.  I figured since I’m around all the time its more cost effective than ditching and getting all of the next brand.  Remember from some of my previous posts I’m frugal but only when its ethically ok. 
So a little advice from the mom with the daughter who had leaky diapers (really who hasn’t), if the diapers you have aren’t working for those long sleeps try another brand you really don’t have much to lose.  I’m certainly happy I did saved me time from doing laundry all the time and gave me that little extra time back with my girl.
What worked for you with your leaky diapers at night? What steps did you go through to find what worked?

1 comment:

  1. I bet I know which kind you tried that worked!!

    To reduce the cost, we always used the cheap,leaky diapers during the day and saved the more expensive but super absorbent ones at night.
