Friday, June 4, 2010

Dirty Toys

Toys are definitely something that is hard to keep out of baby’s mouth and off the ground.  It’s inevitable that your child’s toys will become dirty at one point or another. 

Disinfecting toys, in my opinion, probably isn’t the best idea to do every single time you clean them.  I feel that it does get rid of too many of the “good germs” but even though it does kill all the bad ones.  A disinfectant probably isn’t the best idea because no matter how well you rinse the toys there will be some form of residue left behind.  A residue on toys that your baby will put in his or her mouth…

My favourite way of cleaning my daughters toys is to fill up the sink or a bucket with hot water and adding in a little bit of dish soap and vinegar.  My mother did this as well when me and my sister were little all the time, so its one of those tried and tested passed down family cleaning “secrets”.  After soaking and/or scrubbing the toys soak in another bucket or sink filled with plain hot water and let air dry. 

This way of cleaning is a lot more eco-friendly than harsh chemicals and also a lot more safe for baby, never mind the fact that’s its also a lot easier on the wallet in the long run.  What’s your favourite method for cleaning your child’s toys?


  1. I do pretty much the same thing minus the vinegar. Hot water and dish soap (dishwasher if the toy is dishwasher friendly, so convenient!)

  2. yes how could I forget the dishwasher! I rarely use it but when I do remember to its great, toy gets sanitized and even better turn on the dishwasher and forget about it until its done!
