Tuesday, June 1, 2010

First Road Trip

Finally off to visit my Grandparents so they can meet their great-grand-daughter.  My daughter is their 3 great-grand-baby but like many great-grandparents, they were just as excited as if she was the first. 

The road trip to my grandparents place is about a five and a half hours with short bathroom stops and a quick stop of a small bite to eat.  My parents used to take this exact trip with me and my sister when we were little, so not much has changed with a new baby in house.  My mom warned me… this trip will now take over seven (7) hours. 

How can a trip that normally takes under six (6) hours now take over 7!  Well, the short bathroom breaks now turns into short bathroom break, diaper change and feeding (bottle or food) for the baby.  So as opposed to the stops taking about 15 minutes they now average about half an hour, if not longer.  The longer breaks were actually not bad, it gave us all a little bit of extra time to stretch from sitting so long. 

My daughter did really good for about 2/3’s of the way, all she did was nap.  Once we reached to our last stop she was tired of napping, I could really tell she wanted to stay out of her car seat and play.  So my mom sat in the back seat and played with my daughter to help keep her entertained for the remaining part of the trip.  All I could hear from the back seat was baby babble, laughter and my mom talking to her.  She remained awake for the last two (2) hours of the trip and I was thankful that someone was in the back seat with my daughter to help keep her entertained. 

Our stay with my grandparents is mostly just hanging out and relaxing.  We did just that with the exception of my daughter being the centre of the entertainment.  My daughter took immediately to my grandparents as if she’s known them her whole life.  It was a wonderful visit!

Nap time seemed to be ok, she just napped in her play pen for about an hour or two (2), so she wasn’t too out of sorts.  Bedtime was a different story.  She would go down initially for about a couple of hours than she was up and wanted to sleep in our bed. 

We stayed by grandparents for about three (3) days and by the 3rd day my girl was ready to go home and be in her own bed.  The road trip was the same on the way home with the last two (2) hours of the trip she was tired of napping and this time I sat in the back with her. 

One thing that I feel we did need for the car ride was one of those window shades for kids.  We ended up just using a blanket to cover up the window. 

How was your first road trip with your little one? Happy Vacationing!

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