Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dry Skin… Update!

One of my previous posts I talked about my daughters dry skin and what the nurse from the Health Centre thought it could be eczema.  Just a quick recap of the post, the nurse suggested to use Vaseline or Glaxal Base cream.  I did try the Vaseline and thought I was having success with it,  for a few days her skin looked like it was clearing up and than the next day it made a turn for the worse and it seemed to have gotten worse!

I talked to my other half and he wanted me to try using cocoa butter, tried and no change.  I felt like if it didn’t start clearing up I would have to get to the doctor as my girl was starting to scratch her legs on the dry patches so I’m sure they were starting to irritate her.  I than talked to mom – yes mom knows best, well most of the time – and she had a lotion from Melaleuca called Renew.  She’s heard about some success stories with eczema and she uses the lotion and seems to make a difference.  I also thought at this point I really have nothing to loose. 

She’s been using the lotion for almost two (2) weeks now and every day I see a change for the better.  Her face and back is baby soft again and her belly, arms and legs are getting there.  I’m very grateful that my mom suggested this product and hopefully she continues to get better and I see no reason why it wouldn’t.  I also had a comment on my previous post and she mentioned that her children all grew out of it so I am hopeful and very positive that she very well will even if the lotion continues to work. 

What worked for you and your child(ren) with their dry skin or eczema if they had it? Did your child(ren) grow out of it like my other reader did?


  1. My daughter used to have is an on and off thing for her. But every time it shows up I used Aveeno hydrocortizone or simply vaseline. But it is still there up to now..still going on and off. With my second one I use cetaphil on her face as it tends to get dry because of the weather and teething...hope your little one will feel better soon.

  2. Hi Melanie! thanks for the comment! I guess its always just an on-going "battle" and need to take everything day-by-day with each kid! all the best!
