Sunday, March 28, 2010

Playing Strange

This is a new concept to me, I’ve never really been around too many babies before my daughter and if I was they were pre-strange or post and hanging around a toddler but toddlers are usually just shy at first.

I’m still learning to understand this and for my daughter I think is what sets her off is when other people rush to her, instead of taking their time.  I totally understand both perspectives my friends rush to her because they are always so excited to see her and my daughter gets freaked out because they are not familiar to her like how I am to her.  At the same time any time she leaves my arms to other people she starts screaming and crying like I’m leaving her with them. 

I have tried telling people to ease up when wanting to take her because of this strange phase but I know they are too excited! So my poor little girl just starts screaming and crying those big “alligator” tears.  I’m sometimes at a loss because I do want her to get used to being around people but I hate to see her so upset.

Is this just something that babies get over & grow out of over time? What did you do when your baby went thru the strange phase? I will be updating this post as time goes on and if things get better, which I’m told they should… 

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