Monday, March 8, 2010

Is Routine Always best?

I’ve been trying really hard to stick with some kind of routine and/or schedule and some days it seems impossible to stick too.  Most days I stay home but we do have those days where we need to get out of the house either for errands or just to get out.  This can throw a routine completely out the window at times.  Not only do we as parents have things to do, such as errands, housework or just a little bit of me time, our children have their own personal schedule too.  My daughters schedule changes from week-to-week or even day-to-day, everything seems to be mood dependant. 

Some days I can keep her in routine no matter what’s going on through out the day.  I do find though that she does things on her own terms, as do many other babies from what I hear from other parents. 

My usual routine would start when my daughter would wake up in the mornings usually around 8 A.M. I would do my best to keep her up and playing around for a couple of hours and I notice that she tires out by that time.  I try to keep her up for about two (2) hours at a time and I try to get her to nap for about 2 hours as well.  The nap times have a been a struggle, if she refuses to nap for long I try to keep her up an extra 15 to 30 minutes of play time.  Yes, keeping a baby up for that extra time can be and usually is a struggle but I try to tire her out in hopes that she will nap longer. 

So I think great, nap time equals a little bit of mommy-time.  She will fall asleep in her crib but only for 10 to 40 minutes at a time so I try to get her back to sleep for a little longer.  I've been trying to get her to nap for a couple hours at a time because than she’s more happy to play and for a little bit longer.  I’ve tried laying down with her in my bed and its been a success, I think its funny, though, how she’ll nap in my bed for a couple of hours and won’t in her own bed but will sleep throughout the night in her crib.  By the time night time comes she’s ready for bed in between six (6) and 8 P.M. no matter what kind of day she had. 

All-in-all it doesn’t seem to matter how much she naps in the day because she’s ready for bed consistently between six (6) and 8 P.M. like I mentioned earlier.  She also sleeps throughout the night no matter how much nap time she gets in the day.  So I’ve been finding that fighting a routine seems pointless for her most times.  I also don’t know if its just because she’s getting a bit older and setting her own routine or if my routines with her have been falling into place.  I guess I’ll never really know but I like to think that my hard work is paying off as I can get her to nap during the day and she sleeps successfully throughout the night. 
I still question myself if working on a routine is worth my efforts.  When she has a good day full of a couple long naps and great play times I feel like my efforts are worth it.  Of course, like everyone else we all have off days and seems like any efforts I have put in with her have gone out the window or didn’t play a part with patterns.   I guess time will tell how things will pan out, she is only four (4) months old and there’s lots of room for learning and growth for both her and me! I will continue with my efforts to keep her in some kind of routine but I feel like if I decide to just go with the flow and take everything as it comes it won’t hurt anything.  I guess time will tell… maybe a good mix between the two routine and to just go with the flow, as it seems there is some kind of routine falling into place at times

Do you try to keep a routine? If not, do you feel like just going with the flow is better or do you wish you and your little one were in a routine? What’s been your struggles with your routine? What do you do for nap time? do you struggle like I do? Let me know what worked for you and how you did it! I’m still working on moving my daughter into her room for nap time… suggestions are, of course, always welcome!

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