Monday, July 19, 2010

Teething Troubles

As all babies have it coming, it comes a time that their nice smooth gums will have small baby teeth to start cutting through.  My daughter is now eight and a half months and her first tooth is about to starting cutting really at any moment.  As a parent, I feel awful for her to have to deal with the pain.  I’ve come across a few things that have helped my daughter get through this ordeal so far.

The first thing we usually run to is Orajel and pain medication like Tylenol.  The Orajel is good for instant relief but the taste is awful.  Tylenol, Motrin or Advil are good for longer relief, I did find that Motrin or Advil gave a longer relief period than Tylenol (in other words they were great for over night).  I wasn’t too keen on giving my daughter medication all the time for pain but anything to help at this point. 

I also took a couple of cloths of wet them and placed them in the freezer for about five minutes and took one out at a time for my daughter to chew on.  She loved it, nice cold relief directly on her gums!

A friend of mine suggested Hyland’s Teething tablets.  They are quick dissolving tablets that you put in some water and give with a medicine dispenser.  I used this on my daughter and it was like night and day.  The relief seemed almost instant.  It’s a homeopathic “medicine”, so its full of natural properties and I felt a lot more comfortable giving this to her, also the relief of pain is soothing for all of us.  If you want to try this you can get it at a health food store, I paid $11.99 for 125 tablets and you need 2 – 3 tablets per dose. 

What did you do for teething relief for your little one?


  1. I gave my son teething biscuits that I found at the Whole Foods. They were messy but he loved them.

  2. Thanks for your comment! Teething biscuits are great during the day, I think for my little one the biscuits occupy her enough for them not to bother her. Yes they are definitely messy they just seem to melt over everything.

    Been continuing with the Hylands Tablets at night and they are doing wonders. It's almost like instint relief for her and she continues to get full night sleeps when her teeth are bothering her and if I give her the tablets.

  3. You are so lucky that your little one got all that teething free time! By the time my son was that age he already had I think four or more teeth! He just turned one and is now getting four molars all at once for a total of 12 teeth (thank goodness that means only eight more to go). Teething is a horrible time for both baby in pain and parents trying to handle the screaming. My son did good with lots of teething rings. Medicationwise we gave him Motrin for those terrible overnights and full strength grownup anbesol for daytimes. The baby orajel just wasn't strong enough to console him when he would have at least two coming in at a time.

  4. I guess it just depends, by the time your little one is done my little one is still teething... Pros and cons but I hear you, its nice to have some "down" time between teeth. She still only has the two bottom ones and I think there's something starting up again. We'll see. Hopefully he'll be down with it soon so you won't have to worry about the pain!
