Saturday, April 3, 2010

Gift Cards

I love getting gift cards, they allow me to get what I feel I need at the time.  Don’t get me wrong the other gifts that I received for my daughter have been wonderful and I have been able to find ways to incorporate them into her playtime or whatever.  Also, some things I never thought would’ve come in handy until I used it, or all the cute outfits that my wonderful friends took the time to pick out for her.  The outfits will definitely come in handy and they’re fun to dress her up in but, of course, only when she allows me!

I did receive a few gift cards and the wonderful thing about them, well here anyways, is that there is no expiration on them (there was a law passed here about gift cards so they can’t expire which is great for the consumer when you put the card away and forget about it a year or so later).  So I don’t have to use them right away and was able to put them away until I found things that I needed.  So just because they were a gift doesn’t mean you have to go spending it right away. 

My thing with the gift cards is that I knew there was going to be “bigger ticket” items that I would need later down the road.  Some of those things were around four (4) to 5 months when I started to consider starting her on solids, I was in need of a booster or high chair.  My girl has been able to sit up with support for a while now and started sitting on her own a little after four (4) months.  Since I had the gift card I found one on sale that I liked and picked it up.  I did put her in it while we ate dinner or while I’m in the kitchen cooking.  Its just nice now to have her with us during meals and what not.  Also, further down the road come about 12 months of age I will have to upgrade the infant car seat to an actually child’s car seat.  These are not cheap and since she will need it down the road I’ve set aside the other gift cards that I received to put towards it.  It will take a nice chunk out of the ticket price. 

I did use some of them for small fun things that I happened to see in the stores and thought my girl would like it – also for a learning tool as I’ve previously explained in my “Baby Toys or Learning Tools” post.  Overall, the gift cards have come in handy for some of the “big ticket” items but also some of the smaller things. 

What did you do with your gift cards?

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